
2011 SDCC Vintage Death Star Revenge of the Jedi 14 Figures C-8.5/9

販売価格: 39,800円


2011 Vintage Collection
SDCC San Diego Comic Con Exclusive
Death Star Revenge of the Jedi 14 Figures
・VC08 Darth Vader
・VC09 Boba Fett
・VC22 Ackbar
・VC23 Jedi Luke
・VC25 R2-D2 with lightsaber & Drink Tray
・VC27 Wicket
・VC26 Rebel Commando
・VC41 Stormtrooper
・VC62 Han Solo
・VC63 Keyan Farlander (B-wing Pilot)
・VC64 Slave Leia
・VC65 TIE Fighter Pilot
・VC66 SALACIOUS CRUMB…exclusive to the Death Star
・VC67 MOUSE DROID..exclusive to the Death Star
Condition : C-8.5/9



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