2011 Vintage Collection VC54 ARC Trooper Commander [Darth Maul Offer] C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC54 ARC Trooper Commander C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC55 Logray (Ewok Medicine Man) with Darth Maul Offer C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC55 Logray (Ewok Medicine Man) with Boba Fett Proto Offer C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC55 Logray (Ewok Medicine Man) C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC56 Kithaba [Red Headband Variant / European Sticker] C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC62 Han Solo [with Boba Fett Proto Offer] C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC63 B-Wing Pilot [with Boba Fett Proto Offer] C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC64 Princess Leia (Slave) [Return Card/with Boba Fett Proto Offer] C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC64 Princess Leia (Slave) [Revenge Card/with Boba Fett Proto Offer] C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC68 Rebel Soldier [with Boba Fett Proto Offer] C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC69 Bastila Shan [with Boba Fett Proto Offer] C-8.5/9
2011 Vintage Collection VC70 Ponda Baba [with Boba Fett Proto Offer] C-8.5/9